Best Guess Mineral Mix – Carol Layton

(1 customer review)

$ 50.70$ 138.30

The Best Guess mineral mix contains significant amounts of copper, zinc plus iodine. This mineral mix doesn’t contain a smorgasbord of unnecessary nutrients and is ideal for horses where supplementation is lacking these essential minerals. A key indicator of this can be cracked and shelly hooves, and sun bleached, faded coats. Safe for laminitic prone or insulin resistant (IR) horses.

Net weight = 1.016 kg – will last 6 months on the standard feeding rate for one horse
By adding 3 kg plain salt, the standard feeding rate will be 1 metric tablespoon. The salt is a ‘filler’ so that measuring the feeding rate is very easy and convenient. Adding salt is optional. If you prefer you can leave the salt out and supplement the mix on it’s own.

$ 50.70

In stock

All the Good Bits

A high bioavailable mineral mix with the minerals that most horses are deficient in using proven premium mineral sources.

The Best Guess mineral mix is ideal for horses where the mineral supplementation is lacking copper and zinc. A lack of copper and zinc can be the cause of cracked and shelly hooves, and sun bleached, faded coats.

 Elemental mineral  Per standard feeding rate
  Copper   200 mg
  Zinc   600 mg
  Iodine   2 mg


By adding plain salt, the standard feeding rate will be 1 metric tablespoon. The salt is a ‘filler’ so that measuring the feeding rate is very easy and convenient. Adding salt is optional. If you prefer you can leave the salt out and supplement the mix on it’s own.

Safe for laminitic prone or insulin resistant (IR) horses.