GH Healing Ointment for Horse Wounds Use Under Bandage

$ 30.00

Golden Honey is an incredibly effective wound surface treatment. It combines the healing power of honey with the antiseptic, antibacterial and tissue repairing properties of golden seal in our special combination.

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All the Good Bits

Golden Honey Healing Ointment is an incredibly effective wound surface treatment for using under bandages. It combines the healing power of honey with the antiseptic, antibacterial and tissue repairing properties of golden seal in our special combination.

Field observations for healing of wounds in horses have shown that wounds treated with honey retracted less and healed faster than untreated wounds. The time for full wound healing is in most cases almost halved.

The active ingredient in Goldenseal is Hydrastine, which is an antiseptic. It is highly effective in eradicating skin infections or sores. Goldenseal is tonic, restoring tone and strength to body tissue. Modern research confirms the plant’s strong antibacterial and even anti-viral action.

The traditional way of treating any wound that was wet or leaking is to put something on to dry it up. But that’s actually the last thing you want to do.

The body sends white blood cells to the wound site to clean up damaged cells and foreign matter and defend against infection. Within an hour of a wound being inflicted these white blood cells go to work to expel the dead cells and bacteria from the wound, showing up as a clear or slightly yellowish discharge.

White blood cells are central to the ‘cleanup’ process and healing, and they need a moist environment to move in. If you dry up the moisture they need to move around in, they get stuck and cannot work. Better instead, let it ooze, and even supplement its moisture with an ointment that has a structure to let the body do it’s cleanup job and then help with the tissue integrity of the newly rebuilt skin.

Honey in all its forms appears to be an effective antibacterial. Combined with golden seal, the amount of pus and the odour on each bandage change is much less than any other wound treatment. The final scar is smaller and thinner than with most other forms of therapy, except of course skin grafting.

Vital to quick healing is to prevent the granulating tissue becoming so called “proud flesh” and overlapping the wound edges. The Golden Honey Healing Ointment helps with this due to its ability to restore and strengthen the tissue as it’s healing.

The first step in treating any wound is cleaning it well. Flushing the wound with large quantities of warm saline water will loosen debris and dilute the bacterial concentration. It’s one of the most useful things you can do in helping a wound to heal. Wounds won’t heal properly if there is debris that can cause irritation or infection.

As you clean the wound, you can do a thorough visual inspection to gauge its seriousness and your comfort level in dealing with it. Call your veterinarian about any wound that concerns you. If the wound has embedded debris that won’t clean out with the saline flush, if it’s over a joint or appears to involve tendons, if there’s heat or swelling, or if your horse is lame then it’s important to get professional help.


How to Use:

Quickly clean the wound with a generous amount of either a saline solution or colloidal silver, see How to Make a Saline Solution.

Push everything back to as close as it was normally and apply a liberal coating of the Golden Honey Healing Ointment to a non-stick dressing and place over the wound. Ensure there is sufficient cotton wool padding so there are no pressure points and apply a firm bandage over everything. Leave a small amount of the padding out the top and bottom of the bandage to ensure the elastic bandage doesn’t contract and cut off circulation in between bandage changes.

Change the bandage every 3 to 4 days. Do not wash the wound with plain water.

The best cleaning agent to use that will continue to stimulate the healing is Colloidal Silver. If that’s not available, then use a small amount of saline solution. Use a squeeze bottle or similar to gently dribble over the surface until the old dressing, tissue, serum, blood and pus are removed. Clean the area around the wound by gently rubbing if needed.

Bandages will improve the contact between the Golden Honey Healing Ointment and the wound and may be indicated in the early stages of wound healing. Prolonged bandaging can occasionally lead to the production of excessive granulation tissue, but we haven’t had any issue with this happening when using the Healing Ointment.

Once the wound has fully closed over and the bandage can be left off, then switch to using the Golden Honey Sealing Ointment to keep the wound surface moist while allowing the new tissue to become mature and finish the last hair regrowth.