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Drought Conditions Warning

Timely warning seen on facebook this morning regarding safety of horses (and stock in general) during drought conditions.

It’s really easy for them to go into boggy dams and waterways in search of moisture and the little bit of green feed that may be surviving closest to the last water sources and get stuck. Not all survive!

Drought Conditions
Safety Around Water is needed in Drought Conditions

Some of the muddy holes are especially sticky, particularly if you are on black soil. The bottom of most dams will be clay to seal the water in, and this gets extremely sticky for all animals.


Fence your animals out of the area and provide water in tubs. If they are already weaker from a lower food intake, then it doesn’t take much to get stuck.

If you have a horse that gets stuck like these ones, call your local SES, Emergency Services, or RSPCA for help to get them out.

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Eating Dirt and Sand

Horses naturally eat quite a bit of soil. Under normal circumstances there is sufficient fibre moving through their gut to move the sand and dirt through their gut and out in their manure… so normally it won’t accumulate too much. During drought however, due to grazing very close to virtually bare ground the amount of soil they eat increases, while often the amount of fibre they have to eat is reduced. So drought is a double whammy… more sand and dirt in their gut and less fibre to carry it through. This situation often results in accumulation of sand and dirt, which can cause irritation of the gastrointestinal tract and result in colic or diarrhoea.

A simple home test for the level of sand is the glove test. Using big clear gloves (vet rectal exam gloves are good), put several lumps of manure in the glove with plenty of water. Massage the glove until the manure is all broken up, then hang the glove to allow it to settle. Check the fingers of the glove to see how much sand falls to the bottom. If you don’t have gloves, you can do the same with a clear plastic bag, tipping it so one corner is at the bottom when leaving it to settle.
If there’s less than 1 teaspoon in total then generally there’s no need for concern. If more than that, do another test in a couple of days to confirm the results, then check with your vet if you need to take additional action.

The best way to clear sand and dirt from a horse’s gut is to feed lots and lots of hay. During a drought this isn’t always possible as hay supplies get shorter and shorter. An alternative and also quite effective way of clearing it is to feed psyllium husk. Psyllium husk is a fibre that absorbs water in the gut and turns into a really sticky goo that will stick to the sand and dirt and move it out of the gut.
Epsom salts will increase the cleaning action by attracting even more water to the intestines as it passes through.

We found an interesting research paper here showing significant sand and dirt accumulation being successfully shifted in 4 days using a combination of psyllium husk and Epsom salts. The action of the 2 together appeared to be significantly better than either by themselves. Care needs to be taken though to limit the use of Epsom salts to short periods as it can have an irritant effect on the gut with prolonged use.

The study was primarily testing with nasogastric tubing however does state that previous studies have shown there didn’t appear to be a significant difference in effect between tubing or feeding. Recommended feeding rate from our vet is 50 grams per 100 kg of bodyweight of psyllium husk and 10g per 100kg of Epsom salts per day, for maximum 5 days at a time.

Feed it in a single meal, for 5 days in a row, mixed with something your horse loves the taste of. Make the feed very slightly damp then put in the psyllium and Epsom salts and mix it around. Don’t make it too wet as many horses don’t like the taste and/or texture of wet psyllium. If your horse was showing signs of sand or dirt accumulation (mild colic or diarrhoea), give the horse a break for 5 days and then repeat the 5 day treatment.

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Healing Ointment for a Hoof Wound

Frantic Call for Help

We got a call for help following a paddock incident that resulted in this wound.

There had been wet weather and the only thing that could be guessed is that the horse had been galloping and hit something hidden in the mud that has sliced off the back quarter of the hoof.

This was on the third day, after the vet had been and cut off the excess, and left it bandaged.

The wound was dirty, unhealthy tissue was forming, and the black areas indicate dead tissue which was at risk of becoming infected.

We supplied a tub of Golden Honey Healing Ointment, with instructions for use.  By the next bandage change at 6 days, there was already a significant improvement.

The wound bed was clean, all the dead and dying tissue was cleaned out, and good healthy tissue was starting to grow in the bottom of the hole.

The lovely pink colour indicates good blood flow with healthy hoof tissue regrowing.

Even better news this horse was able to successfully compete 6 weeks later in the next dressage competition heats he was entered for.

Due to the strong tissue integrity of the new growth that refilled the hole he finished his tests sound.

Watch the video below to see the progress of the wound during the healing process.


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Colloidal Silver Eye Wash

When you spot the swollen eye on your horse, and your heart sinks as you wonder what they have done, this is an effective and gentle way to clean and soothe the eye as you assess what needs to be done next.

This is the simplest method we’ve found to bathe the eye.

A step ladder can be useful during this process for taller horses, or ones that like to have their heads up in the air. A helper to hold the horses head can also be useful.

Wash hands well to disinfect, then do a final rinse with a little Colloidal Silver before touching the eye.

Dribble a little silver into the cup of the hand that best fits to the eye to be flushed and gently touch under and around the eye to make the surface wet. This may need to be repeated several times until the horse realises that it’s not going to hurt.

Then leave the hand in place cupped around the eye and start to fill the cup of the hand as full as possible to provide a “bath” of liquid that covers the eye socket. Hold for as long as possible, then let drain away. Refill the cupped hand and drain several times.

During this time, the horse will blink a number of times, allowing the Colloidal Silver to coat the eye, and flush out any debris that may be causing irritation. The eye socket will also have been soaked nicely with the silver which will begin to reduce the inflammation.

It’s recommended to put a dark mesh fly veil on once the flush is complete to keep out as much dust as possible. It’s also possible that the swollen eye will be sensitive to the sunlight, so the dark mesh will help give relief from this.

Note: If there is clear damage to the eye, then it’s important to call your vet immediately.

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How to Make a Saline Solution

Normal saline is a sterile mixture of salt and water. It is called normal because its salt concentration is similar to tears, blood, and other body fluids (0.9% saline). It is also called isotonic solution. Normal saline is soothing and unlike straight water, will not burn or sting when applied.

How to make normal saline solution at home 

Saline solution is easy to make at home. You will need:

  • 1 clean glass bottle or jar with lid
  • table salt
  • pot with lid
  1. Put two cups of water and 1 teaspoon of salt into the pot. Put the lid on.
  2. Boil for 15 minutes with the lid on (set a timer).
  3. Set the pan aside until cooled to a room temperature.
  4. Carefully pour the salt and water (normal saline) from the pan into the jar or bottle and put the lid on.

Normal saline solution: A few important points

  • It is very important to use only fresh normal saline. Bacteria can grow in saline and cause infections
  • Use a clean glass jar or bottle is that has been recently washed in a dishwasher with very hot soapy water
  • Do not drink solution
  • Throw away the solution if it grows cloudy or looks dirty
  • Keep the saline in a bottle or a glass for a maximum of 24 hours. Throw away any unused solution, wash the container, and make a new solution.


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Where to Start

Do you find yourself wondering how you are going to keep affording your horse obsession?

If you’re looking at getting a horse, I personally don’t recommend it, you’re going to get emotionally attached and spend way too much money.

But if you are like us, it’s way too late and you are already hooked on horses.  That is why we have created My Horse Supplies.

Your horse is an important member of your family and we understand that.  We often find ourselves referring to ours as “the kids” and anyone who is around horses long enough realises they all have unique personalities.

As a horse owner you are always trying to give the best of everything, but accessing all the products for your horse can be a challenge.

What do you really want to be doing when it comes to your horse?  Riding, training and enjoying your time together?  Or going from store to store searching for products and wasting precious time?

We are dedicated to providing what you need to give your horses the life they deserve as an important member of the family.

The essential joy of being with horses is that it brings us in contact with the rare elements of grace, beauty, spirit, and fire.  ~Sharon Ralls Lemon