Essential First Aid Handbook

$ 29.97

The Essential First Aid Handbook will allow you to confidently assess and
treat around 90% of the common injuries your horse will get

This instantly downloadable e-book is an invaluable resource for any horse owner and should be kept in their Equine First Aid Kit.

It provides a simple practical approach to most of the common first aid problems a horse owner will experience.

All the Good Bits

The Essential First Aid Handbook will allow you to confidently assess and
treat around 90% of the common injuries your horse will get

This instantly downloadable e-book is an invaluable resource for any horse owner and should be kept in their Equine First Aid Kit.

It provides a simple practical approach to most of the common first aid problems a horse owner will experience.

At My Horse Supplies we have a combined total of over 70 years’ experience of skilled horse care which has resulted in the development of the super successful Wound Management Technology with amazingly simple techniques.

If invasive “healing” products are used during the healing, the body will trigger a defensive reaction which slows down the healing rate, instead of keeping the focus on maximum healing.

We’ve found the simpler you can keep treatment regimes, with least amount of intervention, the quicker and better wounds will heal.

The research and testing that we’ve done shows that the longer the wound dressing can stay in place, the quicker the wound will heal. With correct bandaging, Golden Honey Healing Ointment has been tested to stay in place for several days each bandage change. When it’s removed the wound is clean and has fantastic blood flow.

As a Horse Owner you already know this next part

For animals that are as big as they are and who display such remarkable athleticism, sometimes at the most inconvenient times, it’s amazing how accident-prone horses can be.

That fence with the sharp piece of wire or nail sticking out in a spot that they shouldn’t be able to reach; you can rely on your horse to find it.

Regardless of their speed, they never seem to be fast enough to get out of the way of a well-aimed kick, or set of sharp teeth.

Regularly, you go to get your horse ready for a relaxed ride only to discover a nasty gaping wound, swollen knee, puffy eye, or a haematoma the size of a grapefruit. There go all your plans for the afternoon, and it’s either spent patching them, or the expensive option of calling the vet.

While it’s up to each individual horse owner to ensure the paddock or stabling is as safe as it can be, most horses somehow still manage to do some damage on a fairly regular basis.

And if you are lucky enough to have a Houdini or a Klutz, then it’s particularly important to make sure your first aid kit is always well stocked.

The margins in this manual have been deliberately left wide and with lots of space so you can add your own notes about what has worked best in each situation for your horse.

They are each individuals and so while the remedies here work on most horses, and in most cases, there will always be the exception that needs to be treated differently.

Only by keeping a record will you be able to readily know this information which can make a huge difference to the treatment provided next by you, your vet or farrier.


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